LOTD. #430 VAKI KVAKI (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


♡ Credits : VAKI KVAKI


♡ VAKI KVAKI Body ~Britney~

♡ ~Britney~ #TresChicEvent

♡ Bodysuit with playful wings at the event on Tres Chic Event

♡ Rather, take part in the drawing or teleport

♡ Tres Chic Event

♡ • 26 colors
♡ • in each package HUD kantik/gloves
♡ • Bonus colors in the Fullpackage

♡ Compatible with:
♡ - Lara X + Petit
♡ - Legacy+Perky+Nerido
♡ - Reborn+Waifu+Juicy


| Event |


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